
Virtual Tele-Classes Now Available for Songwriting, Entertainment Marketing & Branding, Voiceover and Character Dialects for Actors

In addition to our evergreen private virtual coaching, we are currently investigating options for a few new online group classes to allow for increased ensemble interaction and group feedback in a fun, supportive and creative atmosphere.  The courses cover the same material as private 1:1 coaching, but in a small intimate group environment:


  • Group Singer-Songwriter Lab brings together singer-songwriters of similar skill levels together in a positive environment to work on aspects of their craft at various levels in preparation for open mic sets and studio albums. (Audition required)


  • Character Voice Lab for Actors & Improvisers provides an interactive ensemble approach for actors and vocalists to expand their voice work, dialects and musical styles for acting, singing, voiceover and comedy improv.


  • Business and Marketing Essentials for Musicians & Artists coaches independent artists through the process of creating their own press kits, online marketing expansion, target demographics, time management and basic business set-up.

Enrollment will be limited for all group classes.




Talent Referral Services

Are you an Advertising Agency, Event Services or Production Company looking for Talent?

Or perhaps you are an artist seeking specialized career mentoring to connect with projects that will take your visibility to the next level, along with full-service audition coaching for preparation.

From singers, composers, MCs, comedians, actors, voiceover artists, and instrumental musicians to complete the perfect project, we have a wealth of talent in our community from current and past clients. Many professional working relationships have been formed through us and are still successfully going strong after many years, both regionally and internationally.


Please contact us regarding Talent Referral Services as well as full-service Artist Career Coaching packages.